Preparing For The First Night: Essential Items to Pack Separately

Jun 8, 2023

Welcome to Priority One Moving! We understand that moving to a new home can be an exciting yet overwhelming experience. As you plan your move, we want to ensure that your transition is as smooth and comfortable as possible. In this blog post, we will guide you on setting aside essential items and help you prepare for your first night and week in your new home. By planning ahead and having these essentials readily available, you can create a sense of familiarity and make the adjustment process easier.

1. The First Night Survival Kit:

Moving day can be exhausting, and the last thing you want is to spend hours rummaging through boxes to find your essentials. Prepare a First Night Survival Kit that includes items you’ll need immediately upon arrival. Here are some suggestions:

– Bedding: Set aside fresh sheets, pillows, and blankets to make your bed and ensure a restful night’s sleep.

– Toiletries: Pack a separate bag with toiletries, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and towels. Having these items readily available will make the nighttime routine more comfortable.

– Medications: If you take any prescription medications, keep them easily accessible for your first night and the following days.

– Snacks and Beverages: Moving can be physically demanding, and having some snacks and beverages on hand will keep hunger at bay while you settle in.

– Sanitizing Wipes: You may want to quickly wipe down some surfaces before you do a full on cleaning of your new place. It’s good to have some sanitizing wipes on hand to help you wipe away germs in a pinch.

2. Kitchen Essentials:

The kitchen is often the heart of a home. As you prepare for your first week, consider setting aside these essential items:

– Utensils and Cutlery: Ensure you have enough forks, spoons, knives, and other essential utensils for your family’s needs.

– Cookware: Select a few pots, pans, and baking sheets to cover basic cooking needs.

– Plates, Bowls, and Cups: Set aside enough dinnerware for each family member, including plates, bowls, and cups.

– Basic Ingredients: Stock your pantry with essential ingredients like salt, pepper, cooking oil, and spices. These will come in handy when preparing meals during the first week.

3. Cleaning Supplies Kit:

Before settling into your new space, it’s a good idea to give it a thorough cleaning. Make sure to pack these cleaning supplies:

– All-Purpose Cleaner: Have a multi-surface cleaner on hand to quickly wipe down surfaces.

– Paper Towels and Microfiber Cloths: These versatile cleaning tools are useful for dusting, wiping countertops, and tackling small spills.

– Trash Bags: Keep a few extra trash bags for easy disposal of packing materials or any initial clutter.

– Broom and Dustpan: Sweep away any dirt or debris that may have been left behind during the move.

4. Basic Furniture and Storage:

While you may not have all your furniture set up immediately, it’s helpful to prioritize a few key pieces:

– Seating: Arrange at least one comfortable seating option, such as a sofa or chairs, where you can relax and unwind after a long day.

– Dining Table and Chairs: Having a designated space for meals can bring a sense of normalcy to your new routine.

– Storage Solutions: Set up essential storage options like dressers or closets to keep your clothes organized.

4. Pet Supplies Moving Kit:

It may seem like a no-brainer, but this one gets overlooked more than you’d think. We would be remiss if we didn’t include supplies for your 4-legged loved ones! Here’s a few things to keep on hand:

– Food and Water Bowls: Having clean food and water bowls ready to go will help your pets settle in to their new surroundings.

– Dog Food and Treats for a Week: You may not want to haul out that 40lb bag of dogfood. Set aside just enough food and treats for the first week so you’re good to go.

– Properly “Dress” Your Pets: If your furbabies run around your home without their collars on, be sure to dress them with their proper identification before you move so they’re easily identifiable in case they have any kind of anxiety to the move and change – and end up getting loose somehow. Also, keep leashes and harnesses handy in the kit so they’re ready to go at a moments notice to go for a walk or car ride to get ice cream.

– Bedding and Toys: Have their blankets, dog beds and some toys set aside so when you land in your new home, it’ll be easy to help make your beloved pets comfortable.

5. Safety and Security:

Feeling secure in your new home is essential. Consider the following items:

– Locks: Change the locks or rekey your new home for added security and peace of mind.

– Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms: Check and install these devices if they are not already in place.

– Emergency Kit: Prepare an emergency kit with basic supplies like flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, and a fire extinguisher.

6. Essential Services:

As you settle into your new home, it’s important to set up essential services to ensure a smooth transition. Here are a few to consider:

– Utilities: Contact the necessary utility providers, such as electricity, gas, water, and internet, to have them activated or transferred to your name.

– Postal Services: Update your address with the postal service to ensure that your mail is forwarded to your new address. Notify important contacts and update your address for subscriptions, online shopping accounts, and other services.

– Local Services: Familiarize yourself with local services such as healthcare providers, grocery stores, schools, and nearby amenities. Research the best options in your new neighborhood to make your transition more seamless.

7. Take Time to Explore and Unpack:

Moving is a process, and it’s important to give yourself time to adjust. Once you have set up the essentials, take a moment to explore your new surroundings. Discover local parks, restaurants, and attractions that will make your new neighborhood feel like home. Additionally, don’t feel pressured to unpack everything immediately. Focus on unpacking the essentials and tackle the rest at your own pace. Set small goals each day or week to gradually unpack and organize your belongings.

At Priority One Moving, we understand the importance of a smooth transition and feeling at home in your new space. By setting aside essential items for your first night and week, you can ensure a comfortable and stress-free experience. Remember to prioritize rest, self-care, and exploring your new neighborhood as you embark on this exciting new chapter. If you need any assistance or have questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you throughout your journey of settling into your new home.

Welcome to your new beginning!

-The Team at Priority One Moving AZ

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